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How to Make Cocktails While at Home


Cocktail is a drink, which is loved by many in the world. Not many people have an idea on how to make a cocktail on their own at home. Many find themselves walking into any hotel or another place where they can get some cocktail. It is not hard for you to learn how you can make your favorite or different types of cocktails while at your home. Below are some steps you can take to make a basic cocktail at home. Check out JABnow to get started.

Select the best spirit you would wish to use for your cocktail. If a cocktail has to be sweet, then it must have some alcoholic content in it which is added when being made. There are people who choose to use whiskey, colored or colorless or clear spirit as an alternative to adding alcohol content in their gluten free cocktail.

Choose another different type of alcohol in order to improve the taste of the spirit you have chosen. If you do not love the taste or smell of spirit, you can do away with this step. Make sure you mix the spirits you have in equal amounts such that none will taste more than the other at the end.

Make sure you have a nice cocktail shaker with you. It is good for a combination of the ingredients which someone uses while making any cocktail. Using a cocktail mixer is very important for the individuals who love stirred cocktails.

Have an idea of the things you need to make your favorite cocktail because cocktails are never the same. Cocktails made of eggs, dairy products, simple syrup, sour mix or any other thick liquid should consider mixing the products well.

Use a jigger, or a measuring cup. The two are for measuring the amount which is required for your mixture. Do not assume and choose to use your eyes in measuring the amount of ingredients to use. You might end up measuring one ingredient in larger quantities than the other and have something you did not expect.

Some people might choose to use fruits or herbs in their mixture, make sure they are mixed -up well. Not all types of cocktails will need this step because they have different types of ingredients when making different cocktails. However, make sure you do not use more of what is required. Make sure you use a wooden spoon or a muddler in the process. Try to get the juice only by breaking whatever you have chosen to use well.

The next thing you should do is adding your alcohol in the shaker. Do not add more or less amount that it is directed in your recipe.

After you have added the liquid in your shaker, the next thing to do is adding ice. You should not add ice before you shake the mixture because it might make the cocktail to be too dilute. Avoid doing this if you do not want to regret later.

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